
Cast Size
3m, 4f

10 Mins

A library in your town, Present

Romantic Comedy

Love, Fairy Tales, Literature

Target Audience
Appropriate for all audiences

Classic/Standard Musical Theatre

Piano/Vocal, Bass, Volin

Additional Resources

Casting Information
CHARLOTTE: A book lover. She probably drinks tea and has cats. Mixed/Belter, A2 - E4
DEWEY: A librarian. No one understands the jokes on his t-shirts. Tenor, C2-G3
CYRANO DE BERGERAC: Puts on airs. Big nose. Tenor, C2-G3
HELEN OF TROY: Brassy. Beautiful. Alto/Belter, G#2-D4
JULIET CAPULET: Innocent. Obsessed with death. Mixed/Soprano, C3 - E4
HESTER PRYNNE: A loose woman. Character voice. Chorus.
SIR LANCELOT: Oh man. This dude. Character voice. Chorus.
Production History
2018 - Book Lovers was written as a final presentation for the First Year BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop. It was presented as a reading with limited costumes and movement at BMI in New York City.
2019 - First full production in Theatre Now's SOUND BITES 6.0 Festival, performing at the Merkin Hall at the Kaufman Music Center in NYC.
Author Bios

TALAURA HARMS is a New York City based writer and actor. As a writer, her work has appeared at ESPA Detention and Across A Crowded Room at NYPL Performing Arts, and in print in "105 Five Minute Plays." As an actor, she has performed in readings, workshops, and productions with Primary Stages, The Pearl, Ensemble Studio Theatre, The Lark, Stable Cable, among others. She is the Playbill.com Vault Manager and a BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop lyricist. Proud member AEA and Dramatists Guild. www.talauraharms.com

JONATHAN BAUERFELD is a New York based musical theater composer, orchestrator, and music director. Selected credits: INTERNATIONAL: Legacy: The Book of Names (Composer, Edinburgh Fringe); Limbo: The Twelve (Composer, Edinburgh Fringe). OFF-BROADWAY: If Sand Were Stone (Arranger/Orchestrator, NYMF); The Pout-Pout Fish (Music Director/Arranger, New Victory Theater); Single Rider (Music Director/Orchestrator, The Player’s Theater). CHICAGO: Short Shakespeare! The Comedy of Errors (Composer, Chicago Shakespeare Theater). Graduate of Northwestern University, and a proud member of Advanced BMI Musical Theatre Workshop and Theatre Now’s Musical Writer Lab. www.jonathanbauerfeld.com.